Q1. What is the definition of stillbirth and its global incidence?
A1. Baby born dead before 20 weeks A2. Baby born dead before 23 weeks A3. Baby born dead after 24 competed weeks
Q2. What are the key causes of stillbirth ?
A1. Previous Stillbirth A2. Fetal congenital anomalies A3. Lack of balanced nutrition during pregnancy
Q3.What is NIPT and how does it differ from amniocentesis ?
A1. It is an invasive test A2. It has a positive predictive value of 90% for downs syndrome with a high risk test A3. It has a positive predictive value of 80 % and upto 100% with associated abnormality on ultrasound.
Q4.What percentage of fetal anomalies can be detected by first trimester ultrasound scan ?
A1. 80 % A2. 70 % A3. 60%
Q5. What percentage of fetal abnormalities are chromosomally related?
A1. 20% A2. 15% A3. 10%