Q1.What is the gold standard device in blood pressure measurement in Obstetric practice ?
A1. Mercury Sphygmomanometer A2. Calibrated aneroid device A3. Automated BP machine
Q2.As per NICE guidelines severe preeclampsia is ?
A1. Less than or equal to 170 mmHg systolic and/or Less than or equal to 110 mmHg diastolic
A2. Less than or equal to 160 mmHg systolic and/or Less than or equal to 110 mmHg diastolic
A3. Less than or equal to 160 mmHg systolic and/or Less than or equal to 100 mmHg diastolic
Q3.Drug of choice in severe preeclampsia is?
A1. Atenolol, A2. ACE Inhibitors A3. Labetalol
Q4.Dose of corticosteroids given for foetal lung maturity is?
A1. BETAMETHASONE 12 mg 12 hourly 2 doses IM ; A2. DEXAMETHASONE 6 mg 12 hourly 4 doses IM A3. BETAMETHASONE 12 mg 24 hourly 2 doses IM A4.
Q5.Indications for immediate delivery in preeclampsia are ?
A1. Platelet count of 1,50,000 /al A2. Uncontrolled severe hypertension despite treatment A3. AFI of 9
Q6.For immediate control of hypertension in pregnancy the following is unadvisable- ?
A1. Parenteral Labetalol A2. Sublingual Nifedipine A3. Parenteral Hydralazine
Q7.Prophylactic dose of MgSo4 in the prevention of eclampsia is ?
A1. IV 8 gm loading dose followed by 2 gm/hr for 24 hours.,
A2. IV 10 gm loading dose followed by 1 gm/hr for 24 hours
A3. IV 4 gm loading dose followed by 1 gm/hr for 24 hours.